Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Death to Rebirth

So, I guess this blog died. Yeah, it's not a guess. It did. So, therefore and here hence, I will work and strive to bring it to rebirth. I'm just going to be my normal self, because that fits with the blog name. Therefore, yeah.
Summer has started, and therefore fun times will be spent. I guess I'll talk about yesterday... *Flashback*

So, yesterday starts, I'm bored. Come 11:20 Ryan and I want to hang out but neither of our parents are home. So, we decide to walk up to the magical soda vending machine next to the church. We each buy two sodas, and drink them as we walk around. We walk to Jeremiahs house (and he can't hang till 1:00ish, so, we sit in front of his house for about 10 minutes. Not surprisingly, we get bored, so we walk again. We cross 4800 west, and walk around down there. 12:30 comes and we head back to Jeremiahs house. We get there at 12:59 and make Jeremiah wait to let us in till 1:00 sharp. So we come in. Alex comes over later, and we decide to make a gaffer, so our movies will have better sound quality. I became GAFFER DUDE! Meaning I probably won't be in anymore movies, but that's no loss really, cause my acting sucks. So, I guess that's it. So long and be yourself! YOUR CRAZY SELF!

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