Friday, August 7, 2009


Have you ever realized how wonderful bananas are? Well, I have. Bananas are amazing. They are big, purple, and have milk gushing out of their eyes! *Hysterical Laughter* *Cough* Sorry, bananas drive me bonkers. So, here's *drum roll* BANANAS!!!!

Banana 1: Standard issue. About 6 in. in length. Curved slightly, and yellow. Often seen being held by a monkey. Danger Issue: People can slip and fall on banana peels, resulting in a painful fall, and once in awhile, a causality. Causalities happen mainly on cliffs though, so, they are very rare.

Banana 2: Standard size. Curved. Blue. Danger: These bananas are cold and can give you frost bite. Also beware the frosty fangs.

Banana 3: Huge. Purple. Pink Spots. Danger: Poisonous milk gushing out of its eyes.

Banana 4: Huge. Purple. Orange Spots. Danger: Acidic milk gushing out of its eyes.

That's your bananas of the day. Have a banaitacal day!


  1. It's bananatastic day, not banaitacal day!

  2. I think since this blog is sort of just here, maybe we should make it the randomness blog of the entire Core Club, and have all of us be authors! (Just an idea... whad'ya think?)
