Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Random Speaking

By Jeremiah and Jarom.
me: hi
6:10 PM Jarom: Sup?
me: whoah
what's that mean?
6:11 PM Jarom: It's called a contraction.
Like Don't is a contraction of Do Not.
And Y
me: Oh
Jarom: And Y'all is a contraction of You All
me: Why not
Jarom: 'Sup is a contraction of What's Up?
me: oh
6:12 PM I thought you said it was a contraction of don't and y'all
Jarom: I never said that.
me: ok
Jarom: I said Don't and Y'all are contractions.
me: oh
so 'sup is a contraction of two contractions?
Jarom: No.
I just told you that I never said that.
6:13 PM me: you just did
I can say it too
Jarom: I never said that Don't and Y'all contract to anything.
'Sup is a contraction of What's up.
me: oh
I finally understand
6:14 PM Anything
That means Do not you all.
Jarom: Lesson 2:
Anything is a Compound Word.
me: Because anything is a contraction of Don't and Y'all
and don't and y'all is a contraction of do not you all
Jarom: No, because I never said that.
me: yes you did
6:15 PM "Don't and Y'all contract to anything."
Jarom: No.
Read the entire sentance Jeremiah, and not just part of it.
I know you may find it hard, but you have to do it.
me: it
That's not hard@!
6:16 PM Jarom: "I never said that Don't and Y'all contract to anything."
me: oh
Well it's not hard to do it
See! That was easy!
Jarom: It is not a proper sentance, Jeremiah.
6:17 PM me: yes
it is not
the funny thing is
"Proper Sentence." is not a proper sentence!
Jarom: I'm getting tired of this.
me: isn't that weird?
Jarom: not really.
me: just like palindrome isn't a palindrome!
6:18 PM Wheover invented these things was dumb.
Jarom: Contraption isn't a contraption
Compound Word isn't a Compoud Word.
These things are quite common and normal, and so not wierd.
6:19 PM the new word for palindrome as of now is "bob".
6:20 PM Jarom: Only in we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
You just described my house perfectly.
Well done.
6:21 PM Jarom: He he...
You know that Poli is latin for "Many"
And Tics are bloodsucking creatures.
So what are Politics?
me: I"VE HEARD THAT 5439 times.
6:22 PM Jarom: Has Evan told you the Pro and Con one?
me: yep
pro is the opposite of con
and congress has con
so congress is the opposite of progress
and digress is the opposite of idgress
6:23 PM and bobgress is the opposite of bobgress
because bob is a bob
Jarom: Only in America does every single toaster have a setting so high it burns the toast to a terrible crisp which no decent human being would eat.
me: I love eating toasters.


Random Speaking!

This is how me and Jeremiah talk!
Jeremiah: hi
me: hey
5 minutes
6:57 PM Jeremiah: well, back onto the topic of squishy spagetthi...
6:58 PM me: Ok, I like squishy spagethi, the hard stuff isn't that great.
Jeremiah: yeah
Hard spaghetti is just gross
me: Speaking of which, I had spaghetti last night for dinner, we made it for ym, it was good
6:59 PM Jeremiah: cool
me: yeah, I didn't see you cleaning around the church last night
7:00 PM Jeremiah: you didn't
me: nope
Jeremiah: I didn't see you either
but I was there
me: I was by the kitchen, ok
I saw hunter there, he came and talked with us, and ate with us
Jeremiah: I saw the table with people by it
me: Ok, I was over there
How are you?
Jeremiah: great
me: Thats greatly fantastic
7:01 PM Jeremiah: how are you this finely great day?
me: I'm pretty good, thanks for asking
Jeremiah: you are welcomitized
me: so, now what?
7:02 PM Jeremiah: bananas
me: With milk gushing out of their eyes!
Jeremiah: YEAGH
7:03 PM me: YEAH!!!!!!!!!
7:07 PM me: We should, what time do you want to do it?
Jeremiah: japan time
me: Ok, where do you want to do it? Japan?
7:08 PM Jeremiah: no
me: o, ok, Chinaland it is!
7:09 PM posted on my blog!
Jeremiah: ok
me: Lets blow for Nitroglicern Capsuls
me: Sweet! We can watch them go BOOM BADA BOOM!
7:12 PM me: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
me: MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeremiah: BOB
I forgot to tell you
You know palindromes?
me: think so, why
Jeremiah: words that are the same forwards and backwards
me: yeah
Jeremiah: well, I thought that the word "palindrome" doesn't describe them well enough
because palindrome isn't the same forward and backward
7:14 PM So the new word for palindrome is "bob"
me: awesome! Did you know Race Car is a palindrome?
Jeremiah: no it isn't
Race car is a bob
me: There is also another huge long one, like five words long, and it's a bob
7:15 PM Jeremiah: yeah
English is fun
let's conjugate tree frogs!
me: LETS!
Jeremiah: YES!
7:16 PM me: ok
7:18 PM So, speaking of milk, do you like dog spaghetti hair with choclate dressing ontop. With Candle wax to drink?
Jeremiah: yes
that is my favorite meal
me: Same here!

Me=Me, Garrett

Friday, August 7, 2009


Have you ever realized how wonderful bananas are? Well, I have. Bananas are amazing. They are big, purple, and have milk gushing out of their eyes! *Hysterical Laughter* *Cough* Sorry, bananas drive me bonkers. So, here's *drum roll* BANANAS!!!!

Banana 1: Standard issue. About 6 in. in length. Curved slightly, and yellow. Often seen being held by a monkey. Danger Issue: People can slip and fall on banana peels, resulting in a painful fall, and once in awhile, a causality. Causalities happen mainly on cliffs though, so, they are very rare.

Banana 2: Standard size. Curved. Blue. Danger: These bananas are cold and can give you frost bite. Also beware the frosty fangs.

Banana 3: Huge. Purple. Pink Spots. Danger: Poisonous milk gushing out of its eyes.

Banana 4: Huge. Purple. Orange Spots. Danger: Acidic milk gushing out of its eyes.

That's your bananas of the day. Have a banaitacal day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Special Thanks to Jeremiah

We are giving a Special thanks to jeremiah. Without him you would not get this Blog. He is an insperation to me and has given me tons of wonderful ideas. Me and Garrett both are friends of his and thank him a lot. Jeremiah has his own site that you could give it a try. If you love this then you will love his. Remember comment on his things and give him a big hand for helping me.
Here is his site!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi y'all

Hi everyone! The partay is here! Garrett is also here, making the site better! So, have fun!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wierd and Crazy ~ Opening

Hey all. This is the Wierd and Crazy blog. This is the grand opening of my blog here you can get the Weirdest and Crazyest stuff. Tune in every once in a while and get wierd stuff that I have put here. Hope you injoy all the stuff you read or hear. I will make podcasts that you can listen to, and I will post about crazy stuff. So thanks again and come back later for more Wierd and Crazy stuff. BYE!